Click here for article | In an article published in the Austrian magazine “wespennest” Nina Klimburg-Witjes and Kai Strycker discuss the critical situation of space debris and the potential threats it poses to our space infrastructure. Written in an attempt to avert the general public to the concerning developments that so often happen out of sight and out of mind, the article gives a broad overview of the current predicament of orbital debris.
Publications | Media | Workshops | Talks
Verliert die EU bei der Raumfahrt den Anschluss? – Der Standard Podcast Edition Zukunft
Click here for article | Nina Klimburg-Witjes, Assistant Professor at the Institute for Science and Technology Studies at the University of Vienna, talks about the role of the Ariane 6 for Europe in the Podcast Edition Zukunft of the Austrian newspaper Der Standard.
European Integration and the Future of Europe´s Presence in Outer Space – Space Generation Advisory Council Newsletter Article
Click here for article | Our researchers who are members of the UN affiliated Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) that represents university students and young professionals have collaborated to write a short summary of the FutureSpace Project and its ambitions for the SGAC newsletter
Auf welchen Zukunftsvorstellungen basiert unsere Forschung? – Interview with Nina Klimburg-Witjes
As part of the programme booklet for the new production of Friedrich Dürrenmatt's "The Physicists" at the Landestheater Niederösterreich, Julia Engelmayer conducted an interview with Nina Klimburg-Witjes on the question "What visions of the future is our research based on?". Enjoy the read!
Europäische Weltraumindustrie: Zwischen Kollaboration und Konkurrenz – “Der Standard”-Article
Click here for article | As part of the “Junge-Akademie-Blog” of the Der Standard Newspaper Nina Klimburg-Witjes, Philipp Kürten and Kai Strycker give an overview of the current situation of the European Space Industry, especially in the light of the ongoing new Space Race.
Europa im Space Race – “Rudolphina”-Article
Click here for article | Rudolphina journalists Hanna Möller and Petra Schiefer sat down with Nina Klimburg-Witjes and discussed the new global space race and its implications for the European space industry.
Weltraummüll: Gefahr von oben – “ORF”-Article
Click here for article | In a conversation with journalist Florian Baranyi writing for ORF-TOPOS Nina Klimburg-Witjes sheds light on the concerning issue of space debris and the challenges we face in addressing this dilemma in a comprehensive manner.
Weltraumschrott: Alte Satelliten, neue Probleme – “Rudolphina”-Article
Click here for article | As part of the “Materialien”-series of the University of Vienna-Magazine Rudolphina, Nina Klimburg-Witjes and Kai Strycker answered Hanna Möller’s questions about space debris.