This summer at the EASST-4S Science and Technology Studies Conference hosted at the University of Amsterdam Nina, together with her colleagues and friends Michela Cozza (Mälardalen University, Sweden) and Sally Wyatt (Maastricht University, Netherlands) had the difficult but inspiring task of...
Publications | Media | Workshops | Talks
‘For all Mankind’ and Europe’s non-representation in alternative history space race
Philipp Kürten just published a piece in the recent edition of the Imaginary Papers, a quarterly newsletter curated by the Center for Science and the Imagination (CSI) at Arizona State University (ASU). Imaginary papers explores speculative futures, science fiction, worldbuilding, futures...
Forthcoming Publication: Europas Zukunft im Weltraum. Wie die Kontroversen um das Ariane-Programm Ideale und Spannungsfelder der europäischen Integration widerspiegeln
In the soon to be released volume "Strategischer Wettbewerb im Weltraum: Politik, Recht, Sicherheit und Wirtschaft im All" Nina Klimburg-Witjes and Kilian Weißer discuss the tensions and ideals of European integration in a chapter analyzing the controversies surrounding the Ariane program.
New Publication: Nina Klimburg-Witjes and Paul Trauttmansdorff (2023): Technopolitics and the Making of Europe. Infrastructures of Security. Routledge.
This book explores the processes and practices of the securitization and de-securitization of European infrastructures, and how political institutions interact with security and insecurity. Expert contributors address distinct areas, from border politics and biosecurity to health governance and...