FutureSpace Talks #1: Following the Rocket Around

March 12, 2024 | FutureSpace Talks

It is our pleasure to invite you to the very first edition of the FutureSpace Talks series! 

In this online talk, titled “Following the Rocket Around”, we will introduce the ERC-funded research project “FutureSpace” (2023-2028); presenting interests, themes and experiences from our ongoing research – see flyer below for short abstract. 

Please join us online on Thursday 14th March at 16:00 CET. You can register for tickets via the Eventbrite page here. We will later share details for Zoom.

We hope to see you then, and also for our upcoming talks by fantastic speakers including Anna Szolucha (18.04), Lauren Reid (23.05) and Oliver Dunnett (20.06) – more info to come.

Short Abstract

How do future visions of space shape forms of European integration in the present and how, conversely, do geopolitical relations on Earth shape how and by whom these futures are imagined and inscribed in infrastructuring processes? Using the joint European Ariane launcher as a case study, we explore how the politics of the present are shaped by how the future of space is envisioned and vice versa. In this talk, we will introduce the ERC-funded research project “FutureSpace” and present interests, themes and experiences from our ongoing research, paying symmetrical attention to material and imaginative aspects of how the future is not only envisioned but concretized in building Ariane.